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About 76% of Americans who are likely to vote in the 2016 presidential election say they are more likely to support candidates who make housing affordability a focus of their campaigns and a priority in government, according to a national public opinion poll by Make Room, a nationwide campaign giving voice to American renters.
Almost all Democrats, about 92%, say they would support a presidential candidate who make affordable housing a priority, and about 78% Independents said the same. While Republican numbers were much lower, still a majority at 55% said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who made affordable housing a priority.
Likely voters not only want to see affordable housing on the candidates’ platforms, but also consider the issue to be an important factor in their voting decisions. About 60% of likely voters say that housing is a key issue to them in this voting season.
“The dual challenges of rising rents and stagnant wages do not discriminate: millions of Americans, regardless of political affiliations, are struggling to afford ... Read the article at the HousingWire blog.