Posted on April 15, 2016 by By Carol Hartzog Communications

By Connie Stokes

Editor’s Note: Connie Stokes is the OSHBA Associates Council liaison to NHAB.  Here is her report of activities at the national level.

LAS VEGAS, NEV. -- We are working to make the Certified Graduate Associate (CGA) program stronger.  Associate members who wish to set themselves apart in a very competitive industry will greatly benefit from this program.  If I want my builder members and other associates to do business with ME (a member), I certainly want to be the best that I can be. 

-- The Associate committee continues to work on a developing a scholarship program to help defray the costs of associates wanting to attend an NAHB National meeting.  We want more of you to become involved on a national level.  We need new voices in the Federation and this is our effort to make this happen! We hope to begin awards in the next two years.

-- Our annual dues to NAHB are $182.  NAHB currently spends $303 per member. 

-- The forecast for housing in 2016 is looking positive thanks to a firming economy, solid job growth, and rising consumer confidence and pent up demand.

-- Builders report their top concerns in 2016 include the cost and availability of developed lots and labor, federal environmental regulations and policies that make it more expensive and difficult to build homes as well as building materials prices.


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