Posted on July 16, 2012 by Mike Means

You've committed to going greener. Maybe you've started recycling personally. Maybe your company has implemented energy-efficient practices. Maybe you've got new services you'd like those in the know' to know more about! Maybe it's time to take that commitment even further and sponsor the fourth annual Oklahoma Green Building Summit.

Sponsorship is easy and it gives lots of bang for your buck. Your company will gain exposure - 400-500 people will attend this year's Summit, all with an interest in energy-efficient construction practices, and all from very specific industry groups: builders, Realtors, energy engineers, code enforcement folks and more. Your co-sponsors are nothing to sneeze at, either. Your business will be rubbing virtual elbows with the likes of Title sponsors OG&E, ONG and Dolese to name (drop) a few. Exhibitors include Dow Building Solutions, Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority and ProBuild. You can scroll through the others here:

We need Exhibit Sponsors and Contributors. Your exhibit booths will provide one-on-one interaction with the hundreds on hand for the summit. All Sponsors will reach thousands of industry professionals, thanks to event correspondence and marketing outreach.

Exhibit sponsors will enjoy tremendous networking opportunities with a very targeted

audience. There will be no other event with more attendees from the very groups needing your products and services the most. The value is excellent. Sponsorships are priced to provide a quick return on your investment - this is a low-cost, high-impact Oklahoma event.

Take a look! Give Oklahoma State Home Builders Association's Kathy Kastner a shout at either (405) 843-5579 or (800) 256-9980, or shoot her an email at

Exhibitor sponsorship: $1,500
• 2 Complimentary Seminar Passes (with lunch)
• Scrolling small banner ad on
• Company logo and description (up to 100 words) on online Sponsor Directory
• Recognition by company name during the Summit
• Company logo listed on Summit signage
• One exhibit table located downstairs
• Exposure to 400 to 500 industry professionals at the Summit and thousands of online

Contributor: $500
• Company listing on online Sponsor Directory
• 1 Complimentary Seminar Pass (with lunch)
• Company logo listed on Summit signage
• Exposure to 400 to 500 industry professionals at the Summit and thousands of online

Any revenue exceeding direct cost of the Summit goes to:
• Seed money for the 2013 Oklahoma Green Building Summit
• To support the continued growth of the Green Building Council of the Oklahoma State

Join in before it’s too late. Space is limited. Get on board.

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