Posted on May 13, 2013 by Mike Means

All New, All Different -- Summit tackles Code Compliance and Best Practices



Spring may have sprung, finally! Warmer days, flowers blooming, everybody busy building houses. Sounds ideal, and then the inspector finds code violations. We've all been there and experienced the aggravation of rejection. OSHBA is here to help.


The 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) is now being fully implemented across the state. We all have many questions about what is required in meeting the code. OK Building Summit 2013: Building Smarter, Building Better. This will be Code Compliance and Best Practices to the rescue!

For four years, the state association had hosted the Oklahoma Green Building Summit. This is still a very vital topic to our membership, but we took your feedback from last year and have reinvented and rebranded the Summit this year. However, energy efficiency will still be a key component!

The OSHBA's premier training event will be Sept. 18 at Reed Conference Center in Midwest City. Summit 2013 tracks were developed around the codes and how they can impact your business:

Municipalities across the state provided us information about their most common inspection issues, and we used that information to develop the tracks. The problems cross all trade disciplines. At the Summit, you'll learn what the inspection issues are, and how to avoid them and become code compliant. Also, we have also included a track focused on legal issues that are always important to our members.


Make plans now to attend the OK Building Summit 2013. Join with other state building professionals. Visit exhibits, see and hear about the latest industry trends, and learn how your business can become code compliant and stop rejections! Go to for more information on the Summit and sponsorship.


See you at the Summit...and Go Thunder!!!!!!

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