Posted on December 5, 2016 by By Carol Hartzog Communications

Editor's note: This column was published in the November edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine

By Mike Means
OSHBA Executive Officer

It has well been said that those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

So with that thought in mind, the leadership of the Oklahoma State Home Builders Association met in late August with a facilitator from NAHB and updated our strategic plan.  This plan was then submitted to the OSHBA Board of Directors and was approved.  What follows below are the main goals that OSHBA will be pursuing over the next few years.  I have edited it to include just the highlights. Contact us if you would like a copy.


Oklahoma State Home Builders Association
Strategic Plan (2016-2018)

The Oklahoma State Home Builders Association is organized to promote our members and the professionalism of our industry and dedicated to providing safe, quality and affordable housing for the citizens of Oklahoma.

The premier and professional housing industry resource for: members, local HBAs, government entities, media and consumers.

Goal: Increase awareness of the value that is offered by OSHBA membership.


  1. Encourage more members to do business with members.
  2. Have more Builder Members engaged at events.
  3. Do a better job of “bragging” about the wins that the state association achieves.
  4. Better communicate the value of membership through new communications tools.
  5. Partner with chamber, Realtors and other likeminded organizations to host a joint event that cross promotes members.

Goal: Strengthen the overall Government Affairs program and drive more participation in Government Affairs activities from the general membership.


  1. Influence key legislators on laws requiring licensing/registration of builders and contractors.
  2. Generate a higher number of participants in VoterVOICE “clicks”.
  3. More participation from the general membership as PAC contributors.
  4. Identify more political connections among the general membership.
  5. Promote economic development via the housing industry through efforts with local and state Chambers of Commerce and identifying other pro-growth groups.
  6. Promote economic development via the housing industry through relationship-building with statewide officials and ensuring the HBA is involved in discussions that impact the economy.

Goal: Explore the creation of a new Communications and Outreach Specialist position at OSHBA to assist locals with communicating the value of membership and assisting with events/operations.

Strategies/Responsibilities for new position:

  1. Better engage with members and potential members via social media outreach.
  2. Communicate the value of membership on a regular basis with clear, consistent messaging.
  3. Increased communication from the state association. Regular communications to locals will strengthen the bond and can lead to better coordination of meetings and events.
  4. Assist smaller HBAs in implementing a communications plan.

Goal: Continue to grow the Oklahoma Building Summit in terms of revenue and participation, with an eye towards creating a regional, multi-state event.  The Summit should also see an annual increase in registrations of approximately 10 percent.


  1. Create new networking opportunities and events that will appeal to attendees, vendors and sponsors.
  2. Continue to broaden educational offerings and look to include NAHB certification courses.
  3. Bring in relevant speakers who will appeal to the intended audience.
  4. Create additional discounts (early bird) for registrants and vendors.
  5. Seek new technology that maximizes the experience for the vendors (i.e. badge scanning).

The leadership of OSHBA is excited about the plan and hopes it will engage everyone in realizing the importance of and strengthening their involvement in their association.  More to come, I’m sure.  Until next time,

Means is executive vice president of OSHBA. He can be reached at


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