Posted on February 8, 2012 by Mike Means

Click installed on state home builders leadership team

Edmond home builder Jeff Click was installed as vice president/treasurer of the Oklahoma State Home Builders Association recently, joining the five-member state leadership board which represents 2,800 of his peers statewide.

Click is president of Jeff Click Homes and is past president of Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association.

Others on the OSHBA leadership team are Brandon Perkins, Tulsa, the organization's incoming president; and Todd Booze, of Norman, vice president/secretary. Michael Herndon of Kingston is immediate past president, and Terry Jennings, of Oklahoma City Rainmaster is chair of the Associates Council of the OSHBA.

Pat McFerron of Oklahoma City-based political consulting firm CMA Strategies was the keynote speaker for the installation and awards banquet, held at the Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa,

About 130 attended as the state's home builders marked a continued turnaround in home construction despite the continuing sluggish national economy. The Oklahoma City-metro market was added this month to the list of improving housing markets by the National Association of Home Builders.

The Oklahoma State Home Builders Association is a not-for-profit, professional trade organization that advocates for the state's housing industry and serves some 3,000 members. The association is a corporate channel through which builders contribute time, money and services to lead community service projects and education initiatives.

Members include builders, remodelers, suppliers, manufacturers, architects, engineers, real estate brokers, lenders, attorneys and other industry professionals.

Jeff and Deziray Click enjoyed the recent banquet for the state's homebuilders, as Click was installed as vice president/treasure of the state trade association.

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