Posted on August 13, 2012 by Mike Means

By Carol Hartzog, For OSHBA

Hats off to associate member Vanessa Shadix who, during her six years of working on the

Vanessa Shadix

various convention auctions, raised more than $40,000, primarily for building trades scholarships.

Approximately $6,000 was the gross amount raised from the auction this year, which netted $4,100 for building trades scholarships and for the political action committee.

* Hats off to Enid Home Builders Associationas one of the most charitable organizations in the state's home builder industry for an association of their size. This year,

they made donations to a "Youth Build" program for at-risk youth, teaching them a trade skill. They contributed to the Miracle League Park, and to the Traveling Vietnam War Memorial Wall, which the town hopes will land in Enid permanently.

* Twenty Certified Professional Builders attended the convention, among the 139 total in attendance. That total is compared to just a few less last year.

* State Vice President/Treasurer Jeff Click validated the importance of the Certified Professional Builder designation in customer leads. He said he has had, thus far this year, 281 individual "visitors" to his website who clicked on his company's link from the Oklahoma State Home Builders Association CPB listing and company link. For $50 annually, he said that is a less expensive marketing tool than any other he could use.

* State association dues were increased by a quorum of attendees at the annual meeting. The increase is $25 annual dues in 2013. If there is a deficit in the budget in 2014, the dues will increase another $25. Starting in January 2013 the portion of your dues that funds the State association will go from $85 annually to $110 annually.

* Lawton Home Builders Association has changed its name to Southern Oklahoma Builders Association.

* On the legislative front, an update to the ISO codes for Oklahoma is in the works, with fire marshals pushing to improve the ratings. A fire-sprinkler mandate may again be in the mix.

* The formation of a statewide developers' council is in the talking stage, and the state association has revamped the state remodelers contract to strengthen it.

State calendar items:

-- Sept. 27, Oklahoma Green Building Summit at the Reed Center in Midwest City

-- Oct. 11, State association annual golf tournament, Fairfax Golf Course, Edmond, 9 a.m. shotgun start. Lunch afterward.

-- Nov. 7, Sporting Clays Tournament

-- 2013, International Builders Show at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas

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