Posted on May 18, 2017 by Jorie Helms

NAHB will welcome Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt to the Midyear Meetings in Washington, D.C. on June 15 to update board and committee members on progress the Trump administration has made toward cutting red tape from the regulatory process and transferring more authority from the federal government to the states.

“Regulatory reform is top of mind for our members,” said NAHB chairman Granger MacDonald. “We are spending too much time and money attempting to follow a tangle of rules and regulations that make housing less affordable without making our communities safer or cleaner.”

NAHB Senior Officers paid a call on Pruitt two months ago to discuss three particularly thorny issues: the confusion and overreach of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) definitions and stormwater regulations in the Clean Water Act and regulations regarding working in homes that may contain lead paint.

MacDonald also attended the signing ceremony when the president signed the executive order to begin the WOTUS rule rollback process.

“We have a very consistent message: A healthy home building industry doesn’t just provide shelter for Americans, it is central to our economy. I invite all our members to listen to Administrator Pruitt’s presentation on June 15 – and take part in the other activities surrounding our Midyear Meeting, including the Legislative Conference and our committee and subcommittee meetings. This is our business, and our industry’s future,” MacDonald said.

Register here to attend.

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