Posted on May 17, 2017 by Jorie Helms

Savings: It’s one of the five pillars of NAHB membership.

Thanks to his NAHB membership, Dave Rauch just saved $1,000 on another new truck.

But that makes it just another day at the office for Rauch, who estimates that he has saved about $12,000 a year for the past four years – and totally worth paying his dues to the BIA of Southern California.

The founder and president of ProTec, which provides construction, repair, plumbing, maintenance programs and inspection services for home owners associations (HOAs) in Southern California and Nevada, Rauch had been mulling whether his BIA membership was a good fit for the company.

ProTec focuses mainly on HOAs, but is also involved in the building industry as the largest provider of HOA maintenance manuals to builders in the United States.

“The GM discount and customer service available through my NAHB membership was enough to decide that my BIA dues are worth it,” he said.

His company has a fleet of 80 vehicles and 20 trailers, and needs to buy an average of one new vehicle a month – making the NAHB Member Advantage discount a money-saver all year, Rauch said.

“I used to be a Ford guy, but now I am only buying GM vehicles,” Rauch said. “I renewed my membership specifically for this GM discount.”

It’s one of many savings NAHB members can take advantage of – and a great perk when added to the advocacy, education and networking programs your HBA, state and national associations provide.

Learn more about the Member Advantage program or contact Christy Ronaldson for details.

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