These days I find myself at the Capitol quite often. In fact, just about every day the legislature is in session those of us working on bills will be there. Most of the time is spent trying to catch a Senator or Representative for a moment or two to share your thought or opinion on a bill.
Last week was a little different. Thursday at the Capitol was spent in the House Chamber as I attended the funeral of former Representative John Bryant. John and I worked together on the first campaign of US Senator Don Nickles. That year was the first for many of us to be involved in the political process. John and I stayed in contact over the years. He was a State Representative during the time I was County Assessor.
John later became an independent lobbyist representing a variety of clients. When I came to work for the OSHBA, I went to John many times for advice. He will be missed.
In the meantime, the work continues. This week promises to be an exciting one as next week's deadlines loom. The list of bills to monitor will be a little shorter then. But not the time spent trying to catch a legislator's ear and tell them why your position is the right position.