Mike Means
Last week's deadlines resulted in approximately 3000 bills being dropped! The session started with over 4400 bills; some were carry over bills from last year, there were over 2000 new bills. As of last week only 1318 remain! We have 2 weeks for House bills to be heard on the House floor, and Senate bills to be heard on the Senate floor. At the end of those two weeks we will have an even shorter list I bet. I do anticipate the activity to slow during Spring Break then pick up the week of March 24th.
Don't forget our Homebuilders Legislative Day at the Capitol is the morning of April 1. Any HBA member is welcome to join us. More details will be coming soon.
The House successfully ran a resolution dissolving the Calendar Committee last week. This was a very politically charged change in the House of Representatives. This committee used to review bills that had made it out of committee, and determine if they should be heard on the House floor. Some say it was one more layer of transparency, some said it involved more of the minority (Democrats) in the process and others claimed it was one more layer of bureaucracy! Either way, the process has changed it back to one of leadership.