Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb addresses audience at OSHBA Installation Banquet.
By Carol Hartzog
Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb opened the annual gathering of the state’s home builders Saturday night. Some may think it’s always good to have a legislative friend at your gatherings.
But this particular person has been a friend of the industry in a very big way.
In the introduction, OSHBA executive vice president Mike Means told a story. Mike was new to the OSHBA job, and Lamb was new to the state Capitol. They were friends having served in similar roles previously for Don Nickles, former US Senator.
In 2004, Lamb was elected to the state Senate, and Mike asked him to carry an important OSHBA piece, ‘Right to Remedy’ legislation. Right to Remedy, also known as Notice of Opportunity to Repair, allows a builder an opportunity to repair an alleged construction defect before it ends up in a lawsuit.
It took more than three years to finally accomplish this task at the Legislature, but it started with Lamb. Little did he know he was walking into a land mine by carrying the piece, as at that time the Senate was opposed to items considered tort reform.
He has been consistently recognized as a leader. He is former chairman of the National Lt. Governors Association. Additionally, he is past chairman of the Republican Lt. Governors Association and has been vice chair of the Aerospace States Association and remains on the board.
Lt. Gov. Lamb told home builders of the excitement he senses for this coming year.
Last year, he visited all 77 counties in 77 days, meeting with small business men and women, in open town hall meetings and one-on-one.
He considers his role as a small business advocate critical. He asked each county representatives: “Based on your life experiences and business model, what is the greatest impediment to growth, and what is your advice to address that impediment?” He’s got the facts, and now he’ll put that information to use. We have the right man on our side.
He told the group the state’s budget will be close to a billion dollars short.
“It’s a challenge but a huge opportunity with term-limited speaker and pro-tem. It’s a great opportunity to make very tough decisions that have needed to be made for a decade or more. Our best days are just ahead of us.”
“My agenda? I just want Oklahoma to beat Texas in something other than football. … I don’t want to take a back seat to the state south of us in anything -- veterans issues, workers comp, entrepreneurship, etc., and here’s why.
“I will admit it is selfish. This room is full of great entrepreneurs and visionaries. Here’s how it’s selfish. Monica and I have a 15-year-old son and 12-year-old girl. The last thing we want as parents is to buy a plane ticket to visit them because they are living somewhere else and, if they are living in Texas, I am going to need Rolaids.”
He said: When government casts a vision and gets out of the way and lets entrepreneurs like you to thrive and prosper, that’s when we grow.
Thank you Lt. Gov. Lamb for being on our side.