Posted on July 31, 2017 by Jorie Helms


gearsThe schedule is being finalized for the the 2017 LANDS Housing Law CLE & Roundtable, NAHB’s annual cutting-edge continuing legal education program designed for attorneys, professionals within the home building industry, and academics involved in land-use planning, zoning, permitting, property development, environmental protection and related litigation.

The conference takes place Oct. 19-20 at the National Housing Center, NAHB’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.

Presentations by preeminent practitioners, academics and government officials include:

  • Lucas After 25 Years: Has the Sky Fallen? This landmark “takings” case resulted in a Supreme Court decision requiring just compensation under the 14th and 5th Amendments. What has changed?
  • The Supreme Court and Murr v. State of Wisconsin. Presenters will talk about the ramifications of this June 2017 decision on commonly owned and contiguous land.
  • A look at California case law, how New York City zoning decisions adopt to stay current with land use trends, and more.

Discounts are available for first-time attendees as well as HBA staff. For more information and to register for this year’s event, go to

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