The schedule is being finalized for the the 2017 LANDS Housing Law CLE & Roundtable, NAHB’s annual cutting-edge continuing legal education program designed for attorneys, professionals within the home building industry, and academics involved in land-use planning, zoning, permitting, property development, environmental protection and related litigation.
The conference takes place Oct. 19-20 at the National Housing Center, NAHB’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.
Presentations by preeminent practitioners, academics and government officials include:
Lucas After 25 Years: Has the Sky Fallen? This landmark “takings” case resulted in a Supreme Court decision requiring just compensation under the 14th and 5th Amendments. What has changed?
The Supreme Court and Murr v. State of Wisconsin. Presenters will talk about the ramifications of this June 2017 decision on commonly owned and contiguous land.
A look at California case law, how New York City zoning decisions adopt to stay current with land use trends, and more.
Discounts are available for first-time attendees as well as HBA staff. For more information and to register for this year’s event, go to