Posted on August 7, 2014 by Todd Booze

Already, we are on the back side of summer and it's difficult to believe school will be starting back in just a few weeks.

Todd Booze
Todd Booze

All has been relatively quiet at OSHBA, which has given us time to continue our focus on increasing the value of your membership in our association. Here are a few ways that has been happening:

Membership survey

At the State Capitol, there has been another push to raise questions of whether home builders should be licensed or, at a minimum, registered with the State. We recently sent out a survey and we had tremendous response from our members and we appreciate your input. As directed from our membership, there was an overwhelming response in favor of either licensing or registration at 75.9%.

Along with that, the feedback given identified many elements our membership felt was important if this were to occur.

One of the toughest issues is how this would be regulated and by whom.

Again, we appreciate your responses to these surveys we send out so we know the direction our membership would like us to proceed.

Building Summit Sept. 11

Another way your membership makes a difference is the Oklahoma Building Summit. We are in final stages of preparing for this year's Building Summit on Sept. 11 at the Reed Center in Midwest City. (

We are excited about the slate of education classes (click here to see) and nationally known business consultant Scott Sedam who will be the keynote speaker at this year's conference. (read more) Scott will also be doing some individual sessions, so go to to get registered for this event.

Focus on recruitment

On the day prior to Summit, OSHBA Vice President/Secretary Kurt Dinnes will be meeting with statewide membership chairs and officers to ensure OSHBA is focused on areas we can support locals related to membership recruitment and our efforts to continue to bring value to your membership in our association.

I hope you have a wonderful August and hope to see you at the Building Summit in September.

-- Todd Booze, 2014 OSHBA President

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