Posted on November 19, 2014 by By Carol Hartzog Communications

Editor's note: This transcript is from a video that highlights the educational value the OSHBA brings its members.

In the ever-changing environment of our industry, it is imperative that we're keeping up-to-date with what is happening and how things are to be done. We're the general contractors on site, but many times we depend too much on the trades.

The association brings education to our membership to keep them up-to-date on those things -- whether it's codes, materials application -- things we run into everyday out there in the field.

We bring in a lot of national experts and consultants who work with builders across the country and have had the opportunity to see what has been successful and what hasn't been.

Our focus is to bring that information to the builders so they keep abreast of our ever changing environment.

-- Todd Booze, President 2014

Watch this 60-second video to gain insight into how the OSHBA works to keep members abreast of an industry environment that is in constant change.

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