The city of Oklahoma City provided us with a list of Top 10 building (non-mechanical) reasons for rejecting a new building during inspection, and we're going to list them in a countdown to No. 1 Today we offer reasons 10-6.
10. Locked and / or Occupied: The inspector must gain access in order to perform a final inspection. When the house is furnished or (occupied), the inspector cannot enter without the builder or owner present.
9. Mud and Water in ditch (footings) – (Figure 403.1a (4): Footings shall be supported on undisturbed natural soil or engineered fill.
8. Improper depth and steel size (footings): The following footing requirements will be considered minimum standard for the City of Okla. City. Type, 1story; dimension, 12 inches wide by 18 inches deep. Material, concrete. Reinforcement 2 5/8" bars or 4 ½ “ bars.
7. No Tempered Glass - (308.4 item (2): Within a 24 inch arc of the door (Hazardous Locations) is considered a specific hazardous location for the purpose of glazing
6. Fire Blocking– (R602.8): Fire Blocking required. Blocking shall be provided to cut off all concealed draft openings (both vertical and horizontal).
Stay tuned for reasons 5 through 1.
Learn how to avoid these issues at this year's Oklahoma Building Summit Aug. 27-27 More info.