Posted on March 11, 2014 by Guest Post

OSHBA 2014 President Todd Booze

OSHBA 2014 President Todd Booze

Hopefully we are getting past this cold weather pattern that has pretty much put a stop on construction the past couple of months and are moving into a more favorable springpattern.However it has provided us at OSHBA plenty of time to stay focused on this Legislative Session at the Capitol.

There are a few bills we are really keeping our eyes on out there, so stand ready to support our Industry's position if needed, via Voter Voice.I trust you are reviewing the weekly update that OSHBA sends out?

Speaking of our Advocacy efforts, I hope all of you have on your schedule April 1st for our industry's visit to the Capitol to walk the halls and visit with our Legislators. Following that, we have our State Spring Board meeting scheduled at the Events Center at the COHBA campus.We hope to see you there!I expect the Board luncheon to start around 11:45 am.

From the NAHB level, we are proud to inform you of a recent victory that would have had a substantial economic impact on housing.I am sure all of you are aware of EPA's efforts to impose costly and burdensome rules on sediment and erosion run off from construction sites, otherwise known as "Turbidity Limits".NAHB's litigation brought the EPA to the settlement table where the agency backed away from the onerous and costly rules that were projected to add $6,200 of cost to every home built in United States.

NAHB successfully argued that there was no scientific data for the limits, which in some cases could cause runoff to be cleaner than the natural state of the rivers and other bodies of water near the construction site.

Also this month, NAHB is organizing efforts across the United States in its "Bringing Housing Home" initiative.Congress will be out of session the week of March 17th and meetings are being scheduled across our congressional districts to meet with our state delegation to discuss initiatives NAHB is focused on to improve conditions for the housing industry.If you want to participate, be sure to check with your local EO.

At the State Level, one of our major focuses has been on the review of the 2015 IRC.We received word the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission has pushed the formal review process to the first part of the next year, which would mean adoption in 2016.Efforts were already underway to pull Governmental Affairs Chairmen from across the state together to begin the review of the 2015 IRC.We will not delay that process so we can be prepared for upcoming code challenges.

Finally, we are preparing for this year's OK Building Summit on September 11th at the Reed Center in Midwest City.OSHBA sponsors this event and, with input from our members and attendees from last year, we are crafting what will be the best yet in terms of education for our Association.Make plans now to attend.

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