Posted on August 17, 2011 by Mike Means

Jose Laboy,
CenterPoint Energy

Guest submission by Jose Laboy, CenterPoint Energy


When we use the word "green" in relation to construction, what most often comes to mind is the building materials and landscaping. But there's another component to green building and sustainability - the use of natural gas.

It burns cleanly and is an abundant energy source in Oklahoma. Truly, using natural gas benefits the entire state which is why CenterPoint Energy is helping to sponsor the Green Building Summit this year.

I attended the Summit last year and saw the opportunity to participate in the conversation and spread the word about natural gas. Many people may not know that energy companies, like CenterPoint, offer rebates of up to $475 to customers who purchase and install high-efficiency, natural-gas heating systems. We also offer rebates to people who purchase a qualifying high-efficiency natural gas tank water heater or�tankless water heater.

At the time, these systems many seem a bit pricey, but the costs of these purchases can be�recovered over time with the conservation of resources they provide, usually within five years. And this is a way to give back to our customers and reward people for choosing higher efficiency appliances.

In fact, Oklahoma is one of a handful of states that gives rebates for switching fuels. Customers have a choice. It's a matter of education and CenterPoint Energy will be on hand at the Green Building Summit to lend a hand in providing it.

See you there!

The Oklahoma Green Building Summit is sponsored, in part, by the following:

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