(EDITOR'S NOTE: Throughout the year, various OSHBA meetings have provided important information for our membership. In a look back, and to the future, we share news vital to you.)
A new NAHB field representative program has been introduced this past year and will be a great asset to local HBAs. It will be phased in over several years. Field reps will live in the region they represent. They will travel and be available to local builders, associates and executive officers.
The most recent number is $5,372 savings per housing-start a typical builder will see as a result of NAHB advocacy victories in 2014.
Economic reports from surrounding states of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska show those states are recovering slowly. Housing permits up 2-3 percent.
NAHB International Builder's Show
The first annual joint Kitchen and Bath/IBS was a huge success. More vendors, more visitors. NAHB reduced their meeting space tremendously in order to sell $3 million in additional floor space.
"Green" building consumers are driving the market. Approximately 92 percent would purchase another "green" home; 94 percent would recommend a "green" home to others.