Editor's note: This column is reprinted from the current edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
By Kurt Dinnes
OSHBA President
I would like to personally thank all of you who had the opportunity to attend this year's Oklahoma State Home Builders Installation Banquet. This year's banquet set an attendance record, which is not surprising when two of Oklahoma's building industry icons -- Joe Robson and the late Mark Dale -- were inducted into the newly established Oklahoma State Home Builders Hall of Fame.
In addition, we had the honor of our Lieutenant Governor, Todd Lamb, as our keynote speaker who installed our state officers.
I would be remiss if I did not say once again what an honor it truly is that you, the members, have placed your confidence and trust in me to lead this great Oklahoma State Home Builders Association this year.
I would like to thank Phil Rhees for his dedication and service to the OSHBA last year and I very much look forward to his wisdom and advice as he continues to serve this year as our Past President. OSHBA has a rich history of serving our members and this industry, not only through its advocacy and legislative efforts, but also through its education, membership and local HBA support and services.
This year's leadership lineup is poised to continue this rich tradition. Remember, this Association exists to serve you, its members, so we want to hear from you. Please do not be bashful.
Please, never forget that your membership is not only your local HBA, but your Oklahoma State Home Builders Association and the National Association of Home Builders. Speaking of our Local HBAs across our state, I would like to welcome our new Local HBA Presidents. Our new Presidents are:
Pete Jackson - Builders Association of South Central Oklahoma (BASCO)
Steve Grogam - Bartlesville HBA
Kenyon Woods - Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association (COHBA)
Joe Claypole - Enid HBA
Brandon L. Jackson - HBA of Greater Tulsa
Brandon Waller - Moore HBA
Karen Ogle - Rogers County BA
Jake Clanin - Shawnee HBA
Brian Stedman - South Oklahoma BA
Dan Siebert - Stillwater HBA
Richard Hixon - Southwestern Oklahoma HBA
Congratulations to each of you! Thank you for volunteering your time and leadership to serving the home-building industry. By the way, I am asking our OSHBA team to put pictures of these folks up on our website so you know who they are.
I personally look forward to serving this great state association as its President this year. Together we can continue to make a positive difference in our industry and keep the American dream of home ownership alive in Oklahoma.
(Kurt Dinnes, Sun Custom Homes. kurtd@suncustomhomesok.com (405) 641-2154)