Greetings, members!
I am pleased and excited to announce that our OSHBA Board of Directors has voted to create the Oklahoma Housing Hall of Fame. It is time that we recognize the past and present giants of the housing industry in Oklahoma, and I'm looking forward to getting the ball rolling.
Phil Rhees
A Board of Governors will eventually be created to administer the program and select the inductees, but as we plan to honor our first class of Hall of Famers at our annual officer installation and banquet in January, the OSHBA Executive Committee and Executive Officer will handle the responsibilities until a Board of Governors can be appointed by next year's president and approved by the Board.
We expect to open up the nomination process sometime in June, and all members will be notified at that time. We plan to offer application forms on the OSHBA web site and also at the OSHBA office. Any member of our state association can place a name into nomination, but it must be received no later than 10 days prior to our Fall Board of Directors meeting later on this year. Nominees may be persons (living or deceased) who have made significant and lasting contributions to Oklahoma housing and/or to the OSHBA. They can be builder OR associate members, elected or government officials, or Industry-allied professionals ... basically anyone who has contributed or supported our industry in a substantial or unique way, even if they live out of state!
So get with your friends and colleagues and start talking about who you would like to nominate! I'm sure all of us know a few members that qualify as "no-brainers" for this honor, and I expect this first class will be very special, indeed!
Phil Rhees
OSHBA State President