Happy New Year! I hope my first "President's Memo" finds everyone happy and healthy after celebrating the holidays with family and friends. I don't know about you, but I'm kind of anxious for my schedule to return to some semblance of order, and I need to get back to the gym!
Phil Rhees
This will be quite a year for firsts at the OSHBA, as we have quite a few new initiatives that should benefit all members. Some you already know about, such as the trade show addition to our annual Oklahoma Building Summit, which will be held August 26 -27 this year at the Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City. Others are in the planning stages and will be announced soon. We also have a new building code to consider, and rest assured we have some very smart people watching that process closely. And last, but certainly not least, we have a new legislative session about to kick off at the state capitol, and our EO, Mike Means, is all over that like white on rice! Please watch for the regular updates Mike sends out regarding the status of legislation as it is processed, and be ready to contact your legislators if necessary.
I will have an "open door" policy as your President this year, so please do not hesitate to call or e-mail if you have a problem I can help with. I can be reached at phil@bmipropertiesllc.com, or at 918-232-7844. This is going to be a great year, folks, I can feel it!
Phil Rhees
2015 OSHBA State President