Posted on October 7, 2014 by Todd Booze

Todd Booze
Todd Booze

As we move into the final stretch of 2014 I'm glad to update you on the progress of a few of our initiatives for this year.

First, the OK Building Summit in September was a tremendous success. Attendance numbers were as high as we have ever seen. It appears we are continuing to address the training needs of the most relevant issues to our membership. With the success of the last several years of the annual OK Building Summit, we are excited to announce bigger plans for next year's event. We will be scheduling the summit to be a two day event - August 26-27 - in a much larger facility to expand the exhibitor showcase as well as evening events to allow for networking among Builders and Associates. This will allow more time to share ideas and discuss the issues we face in our industry. We attribute the success and interest of the event back to the feedback you have given us on past Summits. So look for emails soon from OSHBA to give us your opinion of last month's Summit and, more importantly, what training needs you would like to see addressed in 2015. We look forward to hearing from you.

Also in September, the Code Review Committee of OSHBA met to discuss our plans for the 2015 IRC review. The OUBCC Technical Committees will begin meeting early next year. We need to be prepared to address amendments to the 2015 IRC and prevent codes that are overly burdensome or expensive and provide no value to homeowners.

To begin the process, local HBAs will begin meeting to review all the trade disciplines in the code. We will be having individual meetings with builders, electricians, mechanical and plumbing contractors at local levels to present amendments to the state association that can be taken forward to the OUBCC.

This is your opportunity to get involved and have an impact on our industry. This is one of the most important functions of the Home Builders Association and our opportunity to shape the environment in which we build. So contact your local association for more information to participate on a committee.

Finally, I hope you have made plans to attend this week's clay shoot. All proceeds will go to our state Homebuilders PAC. Advocacy is another one of our main functions and the PAC is necessary to keep our seat at the Legislative table. The support of building and business friendly lawmakers that seek our input on issues that affect our Industry is a must! See below for more details.

Hope to see you there,

Todd Booze

2014 OSHBA State President


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