Every year it is a privilege of the Oklahoma Home Builders Aassociation to hold the annual OK Building Summit & Expo. The initial idea behind the Summit was to help those builders and associates who cannot attend the International Builders Show an alterna...
No to taxing services
Recent news stories have focused on the massive tax increase proposed by Gov. Fallin. As president of the Oklahoma State Home Builders Associati...
Editor’s note: This column will be published in the upcoming edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
By Dan Reeves
OSHBA President
The International Builder’s Show in Orlando, this year had an overall increased ...
OSHBA President Dan Reeves shares about Capitol Day and the legislative process, OK Building Summit and our upcoming Sporting Clay Tournament. Watch below:
President's Message February 2017 from OKStateHBA on Vimeo.
President Kurt Dinnes is on the road again this month for his monthly message -- this month talks about the OSHBA Strategic Plan and introduces the 2017 Officers. Watch it below: