Legislative update: Quiet at the Capitol

Posted on May 10, 2012 by Mike Means
Things were fairly quiet at the Capitol this week. First order of business is to either accept or reject the latest amendments. Most of them were rejected sending bills to conference committee. There were a few notable exceptions. HB 2155 - the opt...
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Attitude of 'Positive' in the air

Posted on May 2, 2012 by Mike Means
  OSHBA President Brandon Perkins addresses the spring board meeting in Oklahoma City. Here are a few informational items tossed around here and there over the last month or so, much of it from the spring board meeting in Oklahoma City. OSHB...
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Legislative update

Posted on May 1, 2012 by Mike Means
Last week saw the next to last deadline pass in the Legislature. The only deadline left is sine die. Consequently, a few more bills pased to the wayside. Several bills we have supported or initiated have made it to the Governor and been signed. A f...
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Legislative update: Work continues on the floor of both houses

Posted on April 24, 2012 by Mike Means
First, a big thank you to all who responded to last week's Call to Action. Because of your efforts, SB 1475 overwhelmingly passed and is on its way to the Governor's desk. This bill will prevent an overreach by the courts to extend "bad faith" from ins...
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Spanish for Construction Sites class planned

Posted on April 24, 2012 by Mike Means
Employers and supervisors alike will benefit from Spanish for Construction Sites. Find the right words for Employment Issues, Complimenting Employees, Time and Work Schedule Issues, General Construction Terms and Commands. Clear up Confusion with c...
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Code update meeting is Wednesday

Posted on April 24, 2012 by Mike Means
From COHBA: On April 3, 2012 the Oklahoma City Council adopted the 2009 IRC as amended by the City. The effective date of the new code will be May 3, 2012. The City will host a meeting to present the changes in the mechanical portions of the code...
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