OSHBA chapters and Associates groups around the state are making a difference through fundraising and donations to benefit their communities. Highlighting the recent OSHBA Fall Board meeting were reports from across the state of fundraising activitie...
By Carol Hartzog
On Nov. 1, the newest modifications to the statewide uniform building codes go into effect. Most of the code changes deal with life-safety issues, and some are adjusted due to new and better products.
Fellow home builder Curtis...
Congratulations to Steve Allen of Oklahoma City who joins the OSHBA leadership ladder in 2017 as vice president/secretary. Allen was COHBA Builder of the Year last year and is a past president of that association. Continuing in the leadership is...
Kendra Orcutt, Home Mods by Therapists, was awarded 2016 Occupational Therapist of the Year by the Oklahoma Occupational Therapy Association. Kendra holds the Certified Aging in Place (CAPS) designation and specializes in remodeling client’s homes ...