Posted on July 19, 2013 by Mike Means

Yesterday evening the Oklahoma State Home Builders Association annual convention

Jay and Noelene Ladwig chat with Richard Hand of Shawnee.
Jay and Noelene Ladwig
chat with Richard Hand
of Shawnee.

began with a reception on the Mission Plaza at the Gaylord Texan. Renewing acquaintances was the first order of business.

Gary Rollins, Chris Rollins, Steve Sullivan, David Ritchie 2
Gary Rollins, Chris Rollins,
Steven Sullivan and David

The annual convention is a chance for the leadership of the association to make plans for the future and also for builders to get their continuing education. When business is booming this is a great time saver.








Kurt Dinnes visits with Jeff and Deziray Click.
Kurt Dinnes visits with
Jeff and Deziray Click

Plus, the opportunity to "get away" allows everyone to focus on the association and keep membership going.








Watch this post for more to come!

Kent Carter, Sally Caddell, Dana Kelso, and David Caddell.
Kent Carter, Sally Caddell,
Dana Kelso, and David Caddell.







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