Posted on November 2, 2015 by By Carol Hartzog Communications

opening keynote


We’ll be back!

A little play on the famous line from the “Terminator” movies, but it succinctly says what will happen next year at the Oklahoma Building Summit & Expo.

Most of you have seen the recent stories of our successful transition from a one-day education event to a two-day educational program with a trade-show floor component.  Think about it – more than 600 attendees, 72 booths, fantastic opportunity to network and still get a quality education – does it get any better?

Well yes, yes it does.

OSHBA Vice President Dan Reeves will be chairing the 2016 summit planning committee and has begun analyzing the survey results (awesome by the way).  Here are just a couple of thoughts from those who were there this year.

“I spend so much time working in my business I don’t take enough time to stop and look back into my business to see what I can do better and what things can make me better and then hopefully sell more homes. This Summit has helped me do that.” -- Brian Wiggs, Tulsa homebuilder

“The opportunities that are here to learn, to grow your craft, to take care of your families, just to have a better business. It’s here. In two days, you can learn everything you need to.” -- Tony Foust, Norman homebuilder

“The associate members, I feel, are a big support to the overall success of events like this. Not only can we bring new products, but it is a win-win situation. You get into it what you put into it and this is an amazing way to get close to your customers.” -- Jordan Williams, ProBuild

Want to see more?  Check out our the video on our youtube channel -

There were several very helpful suggestions to making the summit better.

ExpoAn entertaining opening keynote that appeals to everyone – builder and associate alike. A small revamp of the expo will be in the works – you won’t want to miss it.

Another idea we will be working on – shorter classes!  We’ve heard you loud and clear.  So shorter classes with more diverse subjects is at the top of the list.  We also want to add a little more repetition so you can attend your top priorities. 

The date has been set – Sept. 21-22 – and it will be at the Cox Convention Center again.  We will let you know when you can register, but hey, circle the date on your calendar now!

What was that date again?  Oh yes, Sept. 21-22, 2016. 

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