Editor’s note: Be sure to save September 21-22, 2016, on your calendar for next year’s Oklahoma Building Summit & Expo
We asked for unfiltered feedback on the recent Oklahoma Building Summit & Expo, and more than 25 percent of those who attended responded to our survey request. We’re committed to considering all of the comments — both the positive and negative — to provide an even better experience in 2016.
Here is some of what you told us in the wake of the Summit:
What did you like best about the Summit?
Easy access, and great to talk with all the vendors.
Final speaker!! Loved his attitude & take on the economy.
Good variety of classes.
New location. Cox Center worked out very well.
I was able to have time to meet and talk to vendors and
suppliers. Most of the time this is hard to make time
when working on multiple projects at the office.
It was nice to put a face with the businesses we use.
Seeing new products and meeting new potential
Guest speakers. Chuck Shinn was excellent.
Great way to view products and get the Associates involved with the format.
Combination of education and vendors.
What can we do to improve the Expo component?
Continue to grow it.
Cut down the lunch time to 1 hour.
Bring in more vendors. Take off software companies.
Enjoyed it as it is.
Get a few more vendors, but not too much.
Having more relevant exhibits.
More vendors.
More focus on energy efficient products for the home.
Reduce the time of the breakout sessions. I’d rather have the time to talk with other attendees and vendors.
Have more unique home product booths.
What topics would you have liked to have seen covered?
Tips for efficiently managing jobsites or something on how to be a more effective superintendent.
Social media, marketing/advertising, new home sales training,
Marketing, sales, social media Apps, latest technology.
Communication between builder and lumberyard. How to make it smoother.
Social media/marketing, design and trends.
More on earthquake construction and liability.
More code classes.
More new products and design concepts.
Automation, both in the home and with our business.
National market comparison.
What improvements would you like to see for the 2016 Oklahoma Building Summit & Expo?
Shorter classes — 45 minutes is the ideal length of time for people to pay attention – anything over an hour has diminishing returns.
Some type of documentation for attending classes.
Need more classes on energy efficient building.
Bigger and better.
Easier registration/more communication in general with exhibitors.
More classes geared toward design trends and social media. What’s new in the building industry?
Lunch was too long. It would be better to cut the first day down so that people could have some of the afternoon to work.
More vendors in the expo.
Classes geared toward associates as well as vendors.
Anticipate what membership wants to learn about and adjust room sizes accordingly.