Editor's note: This column was published in the current edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
By Kurt Dinnes
OSHBA President
I hope this article finds you busy within our industry. Fall is always a much anticipated time of year as we finally s...
Editor's note: This column will be published in the upcoming edition of Oklahoma Builder Magazine
I recently had the opportunity to go turkey hunting with my son, Corey, and long-time Tulsa HBA associate member Dub Jester out in Roger Mills County ...
Editor's Note: This column is reprinted from the March editions of Oklahoma Builder Magazine
"An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today." -- Lawrence J. Peter
By Phil Rhees
Editor's note: This column is reprinted from the Winter 2014 edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
By Todd Booze
OSHBA President
As we approach the end of 2014 and everyone's focus has turned to the holidays and spending time with family and...
Cover of the Fall 2014 edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine.
The latest edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine is hot off the press! You can check out the digital version here.
The Fall 2014 edition offers a cover feature on two Moore families...