OSHBA President Dan Reeves shares a recent positive forecast he heard about Oklahoma's economy, as well as updates on the upcoming OSHBA Day at the Capitol and this year's Oklahoma Building Summit & Expo.
Editor’s note: This column will be published in the upcoming edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
By Dan Reeves
OSHBA President
The International Builder’s Show in Orlando, this year had an overall increased ...
OSHBA President Dan Reeves shares about Capitol Day and the legislative process, OK Building Summit and our upcoming Sporting Clay Tournament. Watch below:
President's Message February 2017 from OKStateHBA on Vimeo.
New OSHBA President Dan Reeves introduces himself in this video, talking about his background in home building, the recent Oklahoma experience at the International Builders Show and his plans to serve the statewide membership during 2017. Watch below...
Editor's note: This column was published in the current edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
By Kurt Dinnes
OSHBA President
I hope this article finds you busy within our industry. Fall is always a much anticipated time of year as we finally s...