By Carol Hartzog
On Nov. 1, the newest modifications to the statewide uniform building codes go into effect. Most of the code changes deal with life-safety issues, and some are adjusted due to new and better products.
Fellow home builder Curtis...
Mike Means addresses a crowd of approximatley 300 at a Town Hall meeting on earthquakes held at the University of Central Oklahoma; inset below: Means and Curtis McCarty with Town Hall host Rep. Lewis Moore.
A pair of representatives from OSHB...
Kelly Parker holds IRC code book as he stands before audience in breakout session.
By Jim Stafford
Carol Hartzog Communications
Kelly Parker lifted a hefty book the size of 1960s Sears catalog up high as a room full of p...
Norman's Curtis McCarty, representing statewide homebuilders, has been reappointed to a four-year terms on the Oklahoma Unified Building Code Commission. The commission was established five years ago.
He is one of two reappointments to the UBCC thi...
Curtis McCarty
We are excited to have Curtis McCarty speaking at the Oklahoma Building Summit on September 11. Curtis is past president of Builders Association of South Central Oklahoma and was 2011 Oklahoma State Home Builders Association "...