New OSHBA President Dan Reeves introduces himself in this video, talking about his background in home building, the recent Oklahoma experience at the International Builders Show and his plans to serve the statewide membership during 2017. Watch below...
BREAKING NEWS -- Jeff Click, (right) owner of Jeff Click Homes of Oklahoma City, was named Oklahoma State Home Builders Builder of the Year at tonight's annual Installation Banquet and Hall of Fame Induction. Click is a former President of the OSHBA....
By Steve Taylor
Chairman, OSHBA Associates Council
Editor's note: This column was published in December's edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
The business climate is changing before our eyes. Technology continues to evolve and make its way i...
Editor's note: This column was published in the November edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
By Mike Means
OSHBA Executive Officer
It has well been said that those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
So with that thought in mind, the leaders...