Posted on November 7, 2013 by Carol Hartzog

Editor's Note: This summer, the OSHBA surveyed 5,000 members and non-members about the OSHBA and its effectiveness. Bottom line: Members value the association but OSHBA must do better in communicating perceived value and creating opportunities to strengthen relationships. Here's what touched the leadership about the survey results. A full report will be in the Winter 2013 issue of Builder Magazine, which you will see in your mail in December.


Jeffrey Smith, Former President, Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa
Jeffrey Smith, Former
President, Home Builders
Association of Greater Tulsa

OSHBA's insurance programs, warranties and rebates are how members see benefits and join - and get immediate return on their membership fees for their business. But a new member also has to attend something, as with the Building Summit or local meetings, and get to know other members. It's through that networking that relationships are built, and we can help each other talk through issues or problems to make us more successful.



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