EDITOR’S NOTE: This Associates Council Chair Report to be published in the next edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine is the second of two parts about the purpose and mission of associate membership – to provide unity, collaboration, promotion, foru...
By Steve Sullivan
Associates Council Chair
If it affects builders, it will affect associates. We must be active.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of two parts about the purpose and mission of associate membership – to provide unity, col...
OSHBA's annual Homebuilders PAC Sporting Clays event will be October 6.
Summit is over, school's back in session, now what?
Upcoming events you won't want to miss - - -
October 6 - Annual Homebuilders PAC Sporting Clays Tournam...
Editor's note: This column will be published in the upcoming issue of Oklahoma Builder Magazine
By Steve Sullivan
Chair, State Associates Council
I was excited when I learned the focus of the current issue of Oklahoma Builder magazine was o...
Editor's note: This column is reprinted from the February edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
By Steve Sullivan
Chair State Associates Council
Since this is my first article as your new Chair for the Oklahoma State Home Builders Associatio...
2015 Associates Council: Immediate Past President Gina Cox, President Steve Sullivan and Vice Chair Steve Taylor. Not pictured are Treasurer Vanessa Shadix and Secretary Chris Evans.
Leading the State Associates Council for 2015 is Steve Sulliva...