By Mike Means
OSHBA Executive Vice President
Hello HBA Members,
We are down to the last two weeks of the Legislative session. By law the Legislature must adjourn no later than May 27. They are fast and furious at work on revenue measures ...
By Mike Means
Executive Vice President
OSHBA members,
Early today the Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget (JCAB) started releasing bills on their way to developing a budget. However, the bills are a great cause of concern for many in...
By Mike Means
Executive Vice President
Hello HBA Members,
This week was another deadline week at the Capitol. The last one until sine die, which is when by the Constitution the Legislative session is done. It is the last Friday in May.
By Mike Means
Executive Vice President
A busy week at the Capitol as the focus was on floor action in the opposite houses. Quite simply, now the House is considering Senate bills and the Senate is considering House bills. The next deadline is...
Mike Means addresses a crowd of approximatley 300 at a Town Hall meeting on earthquakes held at the University of Central Oklahoma; inset below: Means and Curtis McCarty with Town Hall host Rep. Lewis Moore.
A pair of representatives from OSHB...