Editor's note: This article will be published in the August edition of Oklahoma Builder magazine
OSHBA Executive Vice President
Ok, you have seen and heard the call to register for the upcoming Oklahoma Building Summit and ...
Thank you to all our great sponsors of the 2016 Oklahoma Building Summit & Expo. Today, we salute title sponsors Compsource Mutual Insurance Co. and Dolese Bros. Co. Register today!
Thank you to all our great sponsors of the 2016 Oklahoma Building Summit & Expo. Today, we salute our Presenting Sponsors, HUB International, Mid-Continent Group and Grain Dealers Mutual Insurance Company. Register here!
Watch the video below and hear what builder Caleb McCaleb gained from attending the 2015 Oklahoma Builiding Summit & Expo:
"So many times we get so caught up in the sticks and bricks of building the house ins...